Holiday Sale!
The Invisible College latest edition “Psychedelics & The Occult!
A Whole Bunch Of Blotter Art On Sale!
Don’t Forget Our Calendar!
Gwyllm Llwydd – Art Calendar 2025
Gwyllm Llwydd Art Calendar 2025!
Well, now for something completely different. This year’s calendar is totally concentrated on Gwyllm’s Paintings and Pen & Ink Pieces.
This is a departure from the usual Calendar offering, as we have concentrated on the Collage Art in the past… This Calendar will focus on the Mandala Art that Gwyllm has been producing since the mid 60’s.
The Art featured in the calendar goes back as far as 1994 to the present day! He has recently returned to physical media with “Universal Convergence” a featured piece in the Calendar.
Your Support of Gwyllm’s Art is deeply appreciated! You can purchase his calendar here!
Thanks Ever So much!
The “Varanasi Vimana” Print!
The “Varanasi Vimana!”
I started the Vimana series some 20 years ago. One of those ongoing things, thought processes that just kind of happens.
This piece is placed in India as you can tell and of course the title. I wanted to take the series back to what originally generated this visual journey.
So, here is the latest in the series! I hope you like it; and would consider adding it to your art collection!
Big Love!
Available Now! The “Pioneers” Print!
Richard Alpert, Timothy Leary & Ralph Metzner at the beginning of the Psychedelic Age!
On Sale Now, 8.5×11 25.00 inclusive of shipping USA only
On Sale Now, 13×19 60.00 inclusive of shipping USA only
(Please contact us for International Shipping)
Click here to purchase!
Invisible College #12 “Psychedelics & The Occult”
We are happy to announce the publication of the Invisible College # 12, “Psychedelics & The Occult.”
This the 12th issue of The Invisible College is dedicated to our dear friend Diane Darling who passed suddenly in January.
Diane contributed frequently to the review, as well as served as editor on “The Hasheesh Eater & Other Writings”. Her contributions to the wider community don’t stop here of course. She founded the She Shaman’s Confrence, was the Editor for The Green Egg for many years as well. An amazing spirit, a friend of the deepest sort. She is missed.
From where things are at this point, this issue is the last for The Invisible College. 12 issues is a good number. We will be reissuing the older copies soon.
This is our largest edition. I think you’ll be thrilled with it all.
Bright Blessings, Thank You for Your Support!
Dedication – Diane Darling
Hakim Bey
On The Forthcoming Publication of Divine Inebriation Part 1
from Silsila (Book Two: The Cywanu Trilogy – Whit Griffin
Auntie Etha’s Cow Lip Tea (“An Early Case of the Use of a Coprophilous, Possibly Entheogenic, Fungus in African American Folk Healing”) – P.D. Newman
The Golden Path – A. Andrew Gonzalez
Hymn For The Azure Soul – Dalton Miller
Egungun Of Benin – Michael Landau
Absinthe: Artemisia absinthium – Dale Pendell
Nepenthe – Gwyllm
Acacia: the philosophical mercury of Zosimos, Paracelsus, and Newton
– Khalil Reda
Thoughts Upon the Bacchae
The Dream & Divinities Tarot – Liba Stambollion
Adios Will Penna
Truly an amazing volume of the Invisible College. 160 pages plus, with art, psychedelic mysteries revealed, poetry, and much more.
A Small Gallery of some of the Art! Click on the images to enlarge:
A PDF To Check This Edition Out:
I want to thank all who have contributed to The Invisible College over the years, either with contributions to the various issues, or by purchasing a copy or copies. It has been our profound joy to bring The Invisible College to the world.
Purchase Your Copy Here!